Witness to Hiroshima, filmed and directed by Kathy Sloane and co-produced by Sloane and Michele Mason, is a uniquely compassionate story that crosses the boundaries of science, art, ecology and history.
In this 16-minute film, Japanese citizen Keiji Tsuchiya uses his 12 powerful watercolors to tell of his harrowing experiences in Hiroshima as a 17-year old soldier immediately following the dropping of the atomic bomb; he also shares how he ultimately directed his life towards purpose and healing. The DVD contnains Japanese and English versions and is closed captioned in English.
The nuclear reactor crisis in Japan makes it more imperative than ever that we question the use of nuclear power as an alternative fuel source. I urge you to order this 16 minute film to use in your classrooms, organizations, and places of worship.
Please visit our website to see a clip, learn more about the film, purchase it and download study guides